Planning for travel with your pet

    Passengers traveling with pet on board should contact Vietnam Airlines branch offices for advanced reservations. It is required to make the service request at least 24 hours before the departure time.
  • Types: Domestic dogs and cats only
  • Importance note: Some dog/cats breeds are susceptible to changes in temperature, humidity, light, pressure, and sound when traveling by air. Vietnam Airlines no longer accepts dog breeds as listed, Pugs on any of our flights. Other dogs that are displaying aggressive behavior will not be permitted.
  • Age: Must be at least 10 weeks old.
  • Weight Limits: Combined weight of animal and kennel must be 6 kg or less.
  • Health status:
  • Pets must be in good health free of diseases communicable to humans and must be properly vaccinated.
  • Pets should not have odor and should not be predisposed to cause harm to other animals, people, or luggage.
  • Pregnant pets will not be accepted.
  • Qualified kennel / pet travel bag:
  • - The container must have enough space for your pet to stand up, lie down and turn around. The measurement must not exceed 35cm x 30cm x 20cm.

    - The container must be constructed of fiberglass, metal, rigid plastics, welded metal mesh, solid wood or plywood.

    - The container sides must be solid. The interior of the container must be smooth with no sharp edges or protuberances in which the animals can injure themselves.

    - The floor of the the kennel must be solid and leak-proof.

    - The container must have proper ventilation and must be locked carefully.

    - The kennel with pet inside must be placed on aircraft floor, in front of your seat.

Weight limit <= 6kg

30(A) X 35(B) X 20(C)