Flight Time from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City for Direct & 1-Stop Flights

On average, the flight time from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City is 8 hours 50 minutes for direct and 20 hours 15 minutes for one-stop flight. The flight distance between Melbourne Airport and Tan Son Nhat International Airport is 6,683km (4,152 miles). Ho Chi Minh City is 3 hours behind Melbourne.

Therefore, if you take a direct flight departing at 10:35 AM from Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN), you will land at Melbourne Airport at 4:25 PM local time.

Flight Duration from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City in Detail

The average direct flight by Vietnam Airlines is around 8 hours 50 minutes. For connecting flights, flight duration of this route is from 19 hours to 20 hours 50 minutes. 

Here is a table showing the flight time in detail from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City.

Flight Time from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh City 

Flight Type

Travel Time

Layover Time

Total Duration


8 hrs 50 mins


8 hrs 50 mins


12 hrs

Hanoi: 7 hrs 15 mins

19 hrs 15 mins

12 hrs

Hanoi: 8 hrs 15 mins

20 hrs 15 mins

Note: The above flight time is based on normal conditions. It might be changed because of many external factors (traffic congestion at airports, technical problems, etc.). Before booking a flight ticket from Melbourne to Ho Chi Minh, we recommend that you update the latest information on the airline website.

A Travel Guide to Have a Great Experience in Ho Chi Minh City

Time Difference between Melbourne and Ho Chi Minh City

Melbourne is 3 hours ahead of Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, you will feel sleepy and tired after a long flight. You should spend a short period relaxing before traveling or working.

Most of the flights by Vietnam Airlines are scheduled to land at Ho Chi Minh City in daylight time. It is convenient for you to take time to relax and discover the nightlife of the city. 

Layover Time in Noi Bai International Airport

All of the connecting flights by Vietnam Airlines have one stop at Noi Bai International Airport at night. You should consider sleeping pod service at the airport while waiting for layover from 7 hours 15 minutes to 8 hours 15 minutes.

Things You Should Know When Landing at Ho Chi Minh City

The international arrivals process at Tan Son Nhat Airport can take 1 hour or 2 hours. You must show your passport or necessary documents to pass the customs lines. After that, you can head to the baggage carousel to take your checked luggage and enter Vietnam.

Tan Son Nhat International Airport is about 8km from the city center, and it takes around 20 minutes by taxi. The fare to District 1 is around AUD 10 - AUD 15. You had better ask for rate fees before getting a taxi.

We hope you have a great time in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam! Remember to book Vietnam Airlines flight tickets to make your flight more comfortable!

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