When Is The Best Time to Visit Da Nang Vietnam?

Experience Da Nang's charm at every season to find out the best time to visit Vietnam. With pleasant weather and blossoming scenery, immerse yourself in its beaches, culture, and cuisine for an unforgettable adventure!

The best time to visit Da Nang, Vietnam depends on your preferences in terms of weather, tourism seasons, or festivals, events, etc. This article will help you plan your trip, optimize your experience, and make the most of your time in Da Nang!

When to Visit Da Nang In terms of Weather

Da Nang in sunny day

The beautiful Da Nang on a sunny day (Source: Vietnam Airlines)

Located in the Central of Vietnam, Da Nang features a distinct rainy season (September to March) and dry season (April to August). The weather varies with the seasons and, eventually, impacts your travel plans.


Min Temperature

Max Temperature


Sea temperature

What to wear


20°C (67.9°F)

23.6°C (74.4°F)

Dry and sunny weather, with occasional rainfall

23°C to 25°C (73°F to 77°F)

T-shirts, shorts, skirts, or light pants, and light jackets


20.4°C (68.7°F)

24.9°C (76.8°F)

Also dry and sunny weather, with occasional rainfall

22°C to 24°C (72°F to 75°F)

Also T-shirts, shorts, skirts, or light pants, and light jackets


22.3°C (72.1°F)

27.2°C (80.9°F)

Increased rainfall and overcast the whole day

23°C to 25°C (73°F to 77°F)

Light-packed, waterproof jacket, and an umbrella


24.6°C (74.3°F)

30°C (86°F)

Relatively wet month, with sunny and cloudy periods

24°C to 27°C (75°F to 81°F)

Light-packed, sunscreen, and rain gear


26.2°C (79.1°F)

31.7°C (89.1°F)

A mix of sunny and cloudy days, with a lower chance of rain

25°C to 28°C (77°F to 82°F)

Lightweight and breathable clothing


27.1°C (80.6°F)

33°C (91.3°F)

Hot and sunny days with minimal rainfall

27°C to 29°C (81°F to 84°F)

Light dresses, together with a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses


26.9°C (80.5°F)

32.6°C (90.7°F)

One of the hottest months in Da Nang

28°C to 30°C (82°F to 86°F)

Breathable and sun-proof clothing


26.6°C (79.9°F)

32.1°C (89.8°F)

One of the hottest months in Da Nang

29°C to 31°C (84°F to 88°F)

Breathable and sun-proof clothing


25.6°C (78°F)

30.2°C (86.4°F)

An increased likelihood of rainfall and thunderstorms sometimes

27°C to 29°C (81°F to 84°F)

Sunscreen, loose-fit shorts, and light rain jacket


24.2°C (75.5°F)

27.9°C (82.2°F)

A mix of rainy and sunny days

26°C to 28°C (79°F to 82°F)

Skirts,dry dresses, and rain-proof clothing


23°C (73.4°F)

26.2°C (79.2°F)

Less rain and sunny days, compared to earlier months

28°C to 31°C (82°F to 88°F)

Light-packed, waterproof jacket, and an umbrella


20.9°C (69.7°F)

23.9°C (75°F)

Cooler and drier conditions with minimum rainfalls

24°C to 26°C (75°F to 79°F)

Medium-weight clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts or light sweaters

Rainy Season in Da Nang (September to December)

Da Nang in cloudy day

Da Nang beach on a cloudy day


During the rainy season in Da Nang, which typically occurs from September to December, you might expect frequent rain showers and occasional thunderstorms. Humidity levels are higher outdoors, and temperatures tend to be slightly cooler.

Tips to visit the city during rainy months:

  • Check the weather forecast: get frequent updates on the weather conditions so that you might plan your day and make adjustments as necessary;
  • Pack appropriate clothing: bring lightweight rain gear or quick-drying clothing. Umbrellas might also be handy to stay dry during sudden showers;
  • Flexibility in planning: be ready for any itinerary changes due to the unpredictable weather, for example, you should have backup activities to enjoy indoors.

Dragon bridge

Mid-autumn Festival in Da Nang, usually in September

Events and Activities:

  • Festivals: Da Nang hosts various cultural festivals all year round. One notable event is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which usually happens in September or October. This festival features vibrant lantern displays, traditional performances, and delicious mooncakes;
  • Indoor attractions: Da Nang is home to several indoor museums, art galleries, Ba Na Hills, etc. These venues provide shelter from the rain and offer opportunities to learn about the city's history;
  • Spa and wellness activities: the rainy season can be a great time to indulge in spa treatments and wellness activities. Da Nang boasts numerous spas and wellness centers where you fully relax and rejuvenate.

Dry Season in Da Nang (January To August)

Golden bridge

Warm and pleasant weather is expected


Da Nang features warm to hot temperatures during the dry season, with the temperature reaching as high as 33°C (91.3°F), especially from May to August. Clear skies and less rain are expected during this period.

Tips to visit the city in the dry season:

  • Sun protection: it's essential to put on sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from harmful UV rays, particularly against lots of sunlights during dry months;
  • Stay hydrated: drink water, especially during outdoor activities and beach visits;
  • Lightweight clothing: pack lightweight and breathable T-shirts, shorts, or dresses, to stay at ease in the warm weather;
  • Book accommodations in advance: the dry season welcomes more travelers than rainy ones, so it's advisable to reserve flights and accommodations beforehand to secure your comfortable trip.

Events and Activities:

  • Beach activities: Da Nang's beaches become popular destinations for sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports. You can enjoy activities from swimming, surfing, or resting on the sandy shores;
  • Outdoor exploration: the dry season offers excellent conditions for exploring Da Nang's natural landscapes and landmarks. Hiking, cycling, and sightseeing tours to attractions like Marble Mountains, Son Tra Peninsula, and Ba Na Hills are popular during this time;
  • Festivals and events: Da Nang hosts several festivals and events during the dry season, for instance, Da Nang International Fireworks Festival, which takes place between April and June and features breathtaking firework displays and cultural performances.

When to Visit Da Nang In terms of Tourist Volumes

In addition to weather considerations, it's important to factor in tourist volumes when planning your trip. If you're seeking a lively and vibrant atmosphere, consider visiting Da Nang during peak seasons. Alternatively, you may prefer the shoulder or off-season to avoid larger crowds and more expensive accommodations.

Peak Season in Danang  (June to August)

Golden bridge at peak season

In peak seasons, most attractions are crowded with local and foreign visitors

During the peak season in Da Nang, which typically spans from June to August, the city experiences high tourist density due to ideal beach weather and various festivals and events. It results in crowded attractions, popular beaches, and bustling streets.

If you plan to visit this city in this period, you should take notes the following tips:

  • Plan and reserve early: it is advisable to make advance plans and reservations for your trip at least 15-30 days, including accommodations, flights, and attractions, as there is a significant demand;

Vietnam Airlines

Reserve your flight ticket to Da Nang with Vietnam Airlines (Source: Vietnam Airlines)


  • Be flexible with your schedule: expect larger crowds and longer wait times at popular tourist sites; thus, you might consider visiting popular attractions during less busy times, such as early mornings or late afternoons;
  • Explore lesser-known places: discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path locations in Da Nang to experience a less crowded side of the city;
  • Research unique events: stay informed about local festivals, markets, and events happening during your visit, as they offer distinct cultural experiences beyond the usual tourist spots;
  • Maintain a positive attitude: embrace the lively atmosphere and remain patient in the face of crowds, focusing on the unique opportunities and experiences Da Nang has to offer.

Shoulder Season in Danang (February to May)

Da Nang beach

The shoulder season means fewer crowds and potentially more affordable prices

This is a great opportunity to discover the city's attractions, participate in outdoor activities, and immerse yourself in the local culture in a more laid-back environment. As a plus, you may find more competitive prices for accommodations, flights, and transportation options compared to the peak season.

We suggest some tips to make the most of your visit during the shoulder season: 

  • Enjoy mild weather: take advantage of the pleasant weather during the shoulder season by planning outdoor activities, such as visiting the beaches, exploring parks, or embarking on nature hikes;
  • Capture Spring Festivals: Da Nang hosts various spring festivals during the shoulder season. Research and participate in these cultural celebrations to witness traditional performances, local cuisine, and vibrant parades;
  • Embrace blossoming nature: the shoulder season is when nature comes alive in Da Nang. Explore the city's parks, gardens, and natural attractions to enjoy the blossoming flowers and lush greenery.

Off Season in Danang (October to January)

Golden bridge during off season

Weather might not be favorable during the off-season

As mentioned above, Da Nang usually experiences rainy weather from October to January. The weather is cool and with frequent rainfalls, or even thunderstorms. In return, you are awarded with a quieter and more budget-friendly experience, from engaging with the local community and exploring cultural attractions at your own pace.

Visiting the city in the off season does not mean being bored with some tips:

  • Check the weather and pack wisely: you should keep an eye on the weather forecast during your visit - Be prepared for cooler temperatures and occasional rain, but don't let it deter you from exploring and enjoying the city. Accordingly, let’s pack layers and a light jacket or sweater to stay comfortable, and also bring an umbrella or raincoat;
  • Research local festivals: check the dates of local festivals, such as the Lunar New Year (Tet), which often falls during the off-season. These festivals provide a distinct chance to observe cultural festivities and age-old traditions;
  • Explore indoor attractions: there are plenty of indoor temples, museums, and art galleries there. Take advantage of the off-season to explore these destinations in less crowded settings. It's a great way to delve into the history, art, and spirituality of the city.
  • Visit surrounding areas: from Da Nang city, you find it convenient to discover nearby attractions like the Marble Mountains, Hoi An Ancient Town, and Ba Na Hills. With fewer tourists, you can enjoy these destinations with more tranquility and take your time to appreciate their beauty;
  • Take advantage of lower prices: the off-season often brings lower prices for accommodations, flights, and tourist services. Look for discounts and special offers to make the most of your budget.

When to Visit Da Nang In terms of Events and Festivals

Da Nang won the title of "Asia's Leading Festival and Events Destination 2022" at the World Travel Awards, showcasing its rich heritage of vibrant festivals rooted in Vietnamese customs. The festive season runs from September to March, offering a plethora of autumn to spring events, meanwhile, from August to October, the city is less crowded, providing an opportunity to explore with fewer events taking place. 

Events and Festivals from September to March

Da Nang at night

Da Nang is full of flights during festivals

There are some notable events and festivals that you can put to the must-do list:

  • Mid-Autumn Festival (September/October): The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Lantern Festival, is a traditional celebration held on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. The festival features vibrant lantern displays, lion dances, dragon dances, and the sharing of mooncakes and other traditional treats;
  • Da Nang International Food Festival (October): this festival celebrates the diverse culinary traditions of Da Nang and international cuisines. Visitors can enjoy various local dishes, cooking demonstrations, food stalls, etc.
  • Christmas and New Year Celebrations (December): Da Nang embraces the holiday spirit with festive decorations, light displays, and special events during the Christmas and New Year season;
  • Tet Festival (Lunar New Year, January/February): this is the most-widely celebrated festival of Vietnamese people. Da Nang comes alive with colorful decorations, traditional music, lion and dragon dances, and other cultural activities. It's a wonderful chance to unveil the local customs!
  • Cau Ngu Festival: typically celebrated in the first lunar month, the festival is to bring good luck, prosperity, and safety to fishermen and their fishing activities throughout the year;
  • Quan The Am Festival: during the festival on the 19th day of the second lunar month, various religious rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor Quan The Am Bodhisattva. 

Events and Festivals from April to August

Fireworks display in Da Nang

Spectacular fireworks displays during the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 

  • Pastoral Procession Festival: featuring the images of children herding buffalo, this event is to pray for favorable weather and a good harvest throughout the year. It is in the late third lunar month;
  • Da Nang Carnival Festival: this is an annual event held in late April or early May. When participating in this event, you will witness the colorful displays, music, dance, and fireworks that celebrate the city's culture and traditions;
  • Vietnam's Reunification Day (April 30) and International Labor Day (May 1): a range of events and activities are held to commemorate and observe these two national holidays Expect lively parades, cultural performances, fireworks displays, and a festive atmosphere;
  • Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (June - July): although this is not an annual event in the city and the holding time is also not fixed, it's worth mentioning as one of Da Nang's most renowned events. This international fireworks competition spans several weekends and features breathtaking displays synchronized to music;
  • Boat Racing Festival: the exact date of the festival varies, yet typically in May or June when Da Nang’s people hold thrilling boat races among neighborhoods and villages to celebrate teamwork and community spirit;
  • Da Nang International Marathon (August): the marathon offers various race distances, including a full marathon, half marathon, and shorter races. The event generates excitement and captivates both those taking part and those observing;
  • Hot Air Balloon Festival: each year, the celebration date can be different, usually in August when there is less rain. It features the artistry and skills in making hot air balloons and even gives you a chance for balloon rides!

At any time of the year, it is recommended to check the festival dates and schedule in advance. Some festivals in Da Nang span multiple days or weekends, so plan your trip accordingly to ensure you don't miss out on the main events and activities.

Additionally, festivals often involve walking, standing, and potentially being in crowded areas. Dress comfortably and wear suitable footwear to ensure you can move around with ease, as well as consider the weather conditions and wisely dress. We also summarize useful information here for your reference:

Tourist Volume



Events & Festival

Off Season


Dry and sunny conditions, with occasional rainfall

Tet Festival (Lunar New Year)

Shoulder Season


Also dry and sunny weather, with rainfall sometimes

Tet Festival (Lunar New Year)

Cau Ngu Festival


Increased rainfall and overcast the whole day

Quan The Am Festival


Relatively wet month, with sunny and cloudy periods

Vietnam's Reunification Day

Pastoral Procession Festival


A mix of sunny and cloudy days, with a lower chance of rain

International Labor Day

Da Nang International Fireworks Festival

Da Nang Carnival Festival

Peak Season


Hot and sunny days with less rainfall

Da Nang International Fireworks Festival

Boat Racing Festival


One of the hottest months in Da Nang

Da Nang International Fireworks Festival


One of the hottest months in Da Nang

Da Nang International Marathon

Da Nang International Fireworks Festival

Off Season


An increased likelihood of rainfall and thunderstorms sometimes

Mid-Autumn Festival


A mix of rainy and sunny days

Da Nang International Food Festival


Less rain and more sunny days, compared to earlier months



Cooler and drier conditions with minimum rainfalls

Christmas and New Year Celebrations

Da Nang is a beautiful city in Vietnam that offers many attractions and activities for visitors. However, the best time to visit Da Nang Vietnam depends on your weather and crowd preferences. If you want to enjoy sunny and dry days, you should go there from May to August. If you don’t mind some rain and lower prices, you can visit from October to January. If you want a balance of both, you can choose the shoulder season from February to May. Whatever you decide, we hope you have a wonderful time in Da Nang!