Lotusmiles members can reset their account password through Vietnam Airlines website by following the steps below.
Please note that to set a new password, an email will be sent to the address that you used when registering your account. If you are unable to access the registered email address, please contact Lotusmiles Contact Center for assistance.
Step 1: Visit the website, select "Log In" at the top right corner of the toolbar, and then select "Forgot your password."
Step 2: In the "Forgot password" window, choose one of the three options: membership card number, email, or phone number to verify your information. Then, enter the appropriate information and select "Continue."
Step 3:
Step 4: After entering the OTP code, a link to create a new password will be sent to the registered email address. Click on the link and create a new password.
Step 5: In the "Create password" window, create a new password according to the guidelines and select "Submit" to complete the password reset process.
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